Guitarists Holding Slugs – Guitar Solo Faces Make A Lot More Sense When Guitars Are Replaced With Slugs

Guitarists Holding Slugs

Ever wondered what guitarists holding slugs would look like?

This is a work of genius and very true! How awful some of these guitar solo faces are!
These images have replaced the guitar to show a more appropriate set of guitarists holding slugs.
The faces they pull are not only more appropriate now they all look like they have a slug’s face.

When a guitarist rips into a solo they always let there inhibitions go and dive straight in. But it appears that sometimes it looks like the roadie threw them a bit slimy slug.

These are definitely some of the more emotional players in the game. Personally, I think Slash and Santana look the most horrified by their slug/solo.

Are you a face puller. I must admit that I’ve never been a big face puller when it comes to solos. But I might just not be doing it right!?

Santana holding giant slug
John Mayer holding giant slug
The Boss holding giant slug

Original images here:
#guitar #johnmayer #guitarslugs #slug #sluglife #slugface

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